Within the framework of the ITCity project, a technical visit and the meeting of the European partners – Institute of Physical Energetics (IPE) and University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (UPB) - took place in Riga, Latvia from 20-24 January 2020. Participants shared the project final results, prepared the Final Report to ERANet-LAC office, coordinated and finalized Deliverable 4.3 "Report on KPI set" results and other last project activities according to the project’s aim.
Read more: ITCity European partner meeting in Riga, 20 - 24 January 2020
The final meeting of the ITCity project was held in Brazil at the end of November, 2019. During the stay, also a technical visit to Itaipu du Iguasu hydro power station was arranged, and a conference on smart city issues in Europe and Latin America was organised, including the exchange of participants' experiences and panel discussions as part of the announced presentations.
The conference received a lively response from the audience, professors and students of the Technical University of Curitiba (Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - UTFPR). The project partners presented the results achieved during the project. Questions and comments from the audience revealed the strengths and weaknesses of the development towards a smart city in the EU and LAC, as well as opportunities for further international cooperation.
Read more: ITCity Final Event & Meeting, organized by INESC P&D Brazil
UPB Regie Campus Pilot presentation.
On October 30, 2019 an event dedicated to the ITCity pilot project in Regie Campus took place. The event location was P24 dorm where high reporting rate smart meters are installed as part of ITCity project.
The meeting began with a brief technical presentation about the smart meters installed (Smart Low-Cost Advance Meter - SLAMs, Unbundled Smart Meters – USMs etc) and cover the electric energy supply of 5 student buildings (P7, P22, P23, P24, P25).
In total, data for 1840 students are collected, an equivalent of approximately 20% of the campus.
Read more: UPB Regie Campus Pilot presentation, 30 October 2019
ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems is a network of owners and managers of national and regional public funding programs in the field of research, technical development and demonstration. With ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems we provide a sustainable and service oriented joint programming platform to finance transnational RDD projects, developing technologies and solutions in thematic areas like Smart Power Grids, Regional and Local Energy Systems, Heating and Cooling Networks, Digital Energy and Smart Services, etc.
From 7 to 10 October 2019, in Namur, Belgium, ERA-Net SES organized the Smart Energy Systems Conference 2019. For this event dr. Ana Maria Dumitrescu, represented UPB and the ITCity and FISMEP projects. ERA-Net SES closely cooperates with
Read more: ERA-NET SES Family of Projects, 7 - 10 October 2019
UPEC 2019 (54th International Universities Power Engineering Conference) took place in Bucharest (Romania) from 3rd to 6th of September. Given the major challenges now facing the electrical power industry, and the energy sector in general, this conference provides an ideal opportunity to address some of these challenges. It also provides the opportunity to network and to meet the experts in these areas. The ITCity project was presented through 2 papers, which were presented by dr. Ana Maria Dumitrescu (University Politehnica of Bucharest, foto). The papers: “Impact of DC loads in hybrid local energy communities” and “Campus Load Profiles from Enhanced Smart Meter Data” are part of the UPB work in the ITCity project.
ETIP SNET Central & Northern Regions` Workshop.
Date: September 19-20, 2019.
Location: Petten, the Netherlands.
Member of the ITCity participated in the ETIP SNET Central & Northern Regions` Workshop, presenting the ITCity project on 20th of September. During the presetation an overview of the project was given, inclsuing information on key results, beefits, leassons learned and dissamination.
Read more: Central and Northern Regions` Workshop, 19 - 20 September 2019
Urban Lunch Talk: Towards Positive EnergyDistricts (7 June 2019).
The panellists Hans-Günther Schwarz, Chair of SET Plan Action 3.2 (BMVIT), Annemie Wyckmans, Chair of EERA JPSC (NTNU) and Petra Schöfmann, Expert Energy Center (Urban InnovationVienna) presented the main criteria, topicalities and barriers in the way of realising the PositiveEnergy Districts (PED) programme.
Read more: Urban Lunch Talk: Towards Positive Energy Districts, 7 June 2019
The fourth ITCity project meeting took place in Bucharest, Romania on March 27, 2019.
Project partners had pesented already available results and a discussion on further steps was concluded.
In the next days the partners participated in the ATEE conference (www.atee.pub.ro, IEEE conference organized between 28. - 30. of March 2019 at UPB). Partners had accepted papers that were presented by posters and mutual presentations during the conference.
The ITCity team leader from Romania, dr. Ana Maria Dumitrescu (representing University Politehnica of Bucharest, MicroDERLab group), took part in the General Assembly by the DERlab Association held on 25-26 March 2019 at Enel Green Power premises in Catania (IT).
The gathering acknowledged the achievements of the DERlab network during the past year and the profound collective value the member network adds to the grid integration domain and discussed future collaborations between members of the association.