Research and Development of Advanced Materials and Technologies for Energy Sector

Applied research in the environmental, fuel, emission and waste sectors. Consultative work on the experimental determination of correlations between specific emission values and fuel parameters for the creation of a database for determining the volume and distribution of emissions, in co-operation with the ministries of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Agriculture and Economics.


Research areas

  • New type of fuel materials, including industrial and agricultural by-products and waste
  • New technologies for acquiring advanced materials and developing renewable energy resources. Research into the thermochemical gasification and dissolution of biomass and other materials subject to destruction (e.g. worn tires), the development of energy production methods and environmental protection techniques to ensure the minimum possible environmental impact of the relevant processes.
  • Based on co-operation with business sector, the use of acoustic methods for the study of liquid viscosity under different conditions and development of recommendations for use of discovered effects for economic needs has been started.

Head of department

Dr. phys. Jānis Kalnačs




Head of department

Dr. phys. Jānis Kalnačs


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