Department of energy and environmental technological and economic research projects


The main research project 2014 - 2019

European Commission Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development HORIZON 2020

“MultEE: Facilitating Multi-level Governance for Energy Efficiency” (2015-2017)

“ODYSSEE-MURE: a Decision Support Tool for energy efficiency policy evaluation'' (2016-2018)

“ODYSSEE-MURE: Monitoring EU Energy Efficiency First Principle and Policy Implementation'' (2019-2021)

“WinWind: Winning Social Acceptance for Wind Energy in Wind Energy Scarce Regions”(2016-2020)


Other International Cooperation Projects

Baltic Energy Technology Scenarios 2018, Nordic Energy Research (2017-2018)


National Research Programmes

Latvia State Research Programme "Energy efficient and low-carbon solutions for a secure, sustainable and climate variability reducing energy supply” (LATENERGI), the 5th project „Energy and climate policies impacts evaluation”(2014-2018)

Latvia State Research Programme „The value and dynamics of Latvia’s ecosystems under changing climate” (EVIDEnT), the 3rd project ‘Environmental impacts evaluation of national economy sectors’ development with focus on GHG emissions” (2014-2018)


Applied Research for Public Authorities

  1. Energy development scenario modelling for Latvia National Energy Climate Plan 2030 (Ministry of Economics, 2018)
  1. Annual evaluation of energy savings under the Energy Efficiency Directive (Ministry of Economics, 2018)
  1. GHG emissions projections 2030 and beyond, and emissions reduction policies and measures assessment, including contribution to national reporting (Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, 2018-2019).
  1. Air pollutants emissions projections for Latvia National Action Plan to 2030 (Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, 2018).
  1. GHG emission reduction potential in scenarios with alternative fuels in road transport and optimal strategies for policy implementation (Ministry of Transport, 2017-2018).
  1. Identification of the GHG emission reduction measures set and evaluation of optimal strategies for emission reduction in Latvia’s non-ETS sector (Agency Latvian Environmental Protection, 2016).
  2. GHG emission projections 2020 – 2030 in Latvia and emission reduction policy cost assessment (Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, 2014-2015).


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