Smart energy infrastructure research and development
planning of smart grids


Research on the application of smart technologies for the management of electricity networks and the security of electricity supply. The topicality of this research direction in the world and in Latvia is growing rapidly considering both the increasing RES contribution to electricity production and the need to ensure the security of electricity supply in the liberalized electricity market having growing RES-electricity contribution. Researchers at the Institute, in co-operation with Europe's leading energy institutes, are currently conducting research into new principles of power system management. In 2014, with the support of the Ministry of Economy, the Smart Grid Research Platform was established.

Research priorities and tasks

  • Smart technology research, equipment development and testing
  • Developing and adapting special power electronic converters for specific needs; topologies of power electronic converters, their control, semiconductor elements: use for energy efficiency of electric transport; energy storages
  • Smart power system management and modelling (electrical networks, demand management, electricity market, power system development scenarios)
  • Participate in the development of smart network and generation source planning policies, independent expertise for priority actions at national level, identifying best technology solutions, promoting technology transfer, and providing best practices for the development of smart grids and generation from renewable sources,
  • Research in the field of smart cities through an interdisciplinary approach, co-operating with scientists from the ICT field
  • Integration of energy production and transformation technologies to develop and transfer locally produced energy to other parts of the local district through flexible and optimized energy consumption in the district and through compensatory measures;
  • Develop integrated and smart solutions for linking different sectors in urban and suburban areas, focusing on the need for innovation in the fields of energy, mobility and ICT
  • Active participation in regional platforms and associations - Latvian Energy and Energy Builders Association, Smart Cities Cluster, as well as European Electricity Network initiators (The European Electricity Grid Initiative (EEGI)), The European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) , ETIP SNET, ENTSO-E, EDSO-e) and other institutions.

In 2015, in the new planning period, a project was launched: Electricity monitoring and smart control. Project Manager, Leading Researcher, Dr. Anna Mutule. The project included the creation of a smart network laboratory, a prototype for the management and monitoring of electricity consumption.

Research areas


Electric grids


Demand management


Electricity market


Power system development


Head of department

Dr. Anna Mutule

Phone: +37166901755

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Head of department

  • Dr. Anna Mutule

Research assistant

  • Mg. Jana Teremranova
  • Mg. Ivars Zikmanis
  • Mg. Irina Antoškova
  • Bc. Roberts Lazdiņs


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